All the Best Neill: Letters from Summerhill

All the Best Neill: Letters from Summerhill


The celebrated radical educationist’s vibrant correspondence with his fellow-pioneers John Aitkenhead, WB Curry, RF Mackenzie, Dora Russell and David Wills.

‘Neill positively spouted letters, like a vast whale, pouring forth advice, reproof and complaint to a faithful circle of friends and acquaintances, never in doubt about his central thesis – that children should be free and not shackled.’ – Christopher Price, New Statesman

‘Neill’s letters show him as an enchanting, delightful man who had absolutely no respect for authority, and who valued freedom more than anything.’ – Richard Boston, Punch

‘Highly informative and eminently readable – the essence of the man comes through as in the fragments of a great confession.’ – James Michie, Education