History and Education

Don’t You Know There’s a War On?
Voices from the Home Front
An oral history of the home front during the second world war, first published by Hutchinson in 1988.
‘A wonderful act of respect for a generation, now too often sidelined, who have within them stories to make you hair curl.’ – Times Educational Supplement
‘…will give younger generations a vivid sense of what the experience of those years might have been like….’ – Angus Calder, author of The People’s War
‘…gem-like interviews….’ – Peter Martin, The Times

Neill of Summerhill: The Permanent Rebel
‘It’s a pleasure to welcome a biography which is frank about faults but aware of virtues, and is always cool, unhistrionic and unaffected….I believe there’s a prize for the best biography of the year: Mr Croall should be a good runner.’ – Richard Hoggart, Times Educational Supplement
‘This is an outstanding biography. Its balance of sympathy and detachment is just what is needed to enable us to understand the complex and contradictory nature of its subject.’ – John Rae, Listener

All the Best Neill: Letters from Summerhill
The celebrated radical educationist’s vibrant correspondence with his fellow-pioneers John Aitkenhead, WB Curry, RF Mackenzie, Dora Russell and David Wills.
‘Neill positively spouted letters, like a vast whale, pouring forth advice, reproof and complaint to a faithful circle of friends and acquaintances, never in doubt about his central thesis – that children should be free and not shackled.’ – Christopher Price, New Statesman
‘Neill’s letters show him as an enchanting, delightful man who had absolutely no respect for authority, and who valued freedom more than anything.’ – Richard Boston, Punch
‘Highly informative and eminently readable – the essence of the man comes through as in the fragments of a great confession.’ – James Michie, Education